美國國內飛行有多累 How tiring is flying within U.S.?

跑到隔壁州搭飛機是因為紐約的機場沒有直飛 New Hampshire,如果轉機價格會變超貴時間也拉好幾倍!!!然後如果叫 uber 到那個機場鐵定也是爆貴,所以就乖乖搭地鐵火車一趟大概兩小時...


The reason I went to NJ is because there is no direct flight from NY to New Hampshire (and the price of indirect flight is CRAZY and spend too much time) Besides, it MUST cost a lot to uber to NJ, and thats why I took subway train to there haha (one way around 2 hour starting from Brooklyn)

Watching this video makes me feel tired lol
