幫助遠離手機的 app 推薦 My fav app to improve productivity

半年前因為工作關係認識這款 app bepresentapp,現在已經變成我遠離手機保持專注的工具

需要專注的時候就設定計時器,比較有自主性蠻多類似的 app 因為會一直強調你今天用多長時間手機,讓我覺得蠻有壓力的
每次完成計時器都會有積分,我拿去換 ClassPass 的點數,所以這就是我最近一直去上運動跳舞課的原因順便督促自己運動,讚!


A lot of people ask me how to be productive, so I want to share this app bepresentapp that really helps me stay focused and away from my phone (Ive been using it for over six months now)

Simplicity: The interface is user-friendly and never confusing
Flexible Timer: You can set the timer whenever you need.
Reward System: Every time you complete a timer, you earn points.

I use mine for ClassPass credits, so thats why I kept going to different classes these days LOL

I knew this app half year ago when attending one event at NYU Stern and started to use it til now LOVE it and recommend you to give it a try Happy focusing
