查理回台灣了 我才意識到我必須做這件事 Charlie returned to Taiwan, I realized I have to do THIS
I m Jonas我媽媽終於告訴查理家族的秘密... My mum revealed the big family secret to my wife...
I m Jonas我對買新房子的最大恐懼成真了 My biggest fear about the new house came true...
I m Jonas夢想家的家具終於到了 瑞典家具開箱 Our furniture finally arrived
I m Jonas瑞典夢想的家花多少錢? How much did we pay for our Swedish dream house?
I m Jonas搬到新家!在我們瑞典房子的第一天 Finally moving to our new house
I m Jonas因為這個原因,她不想搬進新家! Preparing to move into new house
I m Jonas一起逛瑞典最大超市吧!我們總是買的十樣東西! Going to Swedish Supermarket
I m Jonas為什麼我變老了,而她卻一直沒變
I m Jonas為了維持這段婚姻,我不得不. I did this to save our relationship...
I m Jonas慶祝相遇十週年!重讀我們的第一次對話... Celebrating 10 years together
I m Jonas大消息 我們終於買到房子了! Big News We finally bought a house
I m Jonas這首歌讓她哭了... 去看泰勒絲演唱會 Taylor Swift in Stockholm
I m Jonas在瑞典待了六個月後,我最懷念台灣的是... The thing I miss most about Taiwan after 6 months in Sweden...
I m Jonas我成為了一名伐木工人? 跟隨父親的腳步! became a lumberjack?
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