今年在美國繳多少稅 How much tax I pay this year?

平常薪水的 16% 已經先被拿走去繳稅 QQ 就是大人世界

另外,我這三年都是用 sprintax 這個平台美國有很多繳稅平台,用這個是因為 NYU 有提供學生優惠,但畢業後就沒了但我很懶得換 haha
- Sprintax 手續費:114.21
- 聯邦稅:569
- 州稅:520

16% of myl salary has already been taken away for tax. (This is the adult world.)

For the past three years, Ive been using sprintax for filing my taxes. (Time to work hard....)

- Printax processing fee: 114.21
- Federal tax: 569
- State tax: 520
