




Fool 當動詞時是「欺騙;開玩笑」的意思,當名詞使用時有「蠢人;傻瓜」的意思。因此愚人節的英文是 April Fools' Day。

He successfully fooled his parents into buying a new smartphone for him.(他成功騙得他父母幫他買一支新的智慧型手機。)

Tease 戲弄、取笑、挑逗

Stop teasing the girl about her freckles. I think she's going to cry.(不要再取笑那個女生的雀斑了。我覺得她快哭了。)

而變化形 teaser 除了「戲弄者」,還有「難題」的意思,因此 brain teaser 是「謎題、腦筋急轉彎」。

Trick 詭計、惡作劇、訣竅、把戲

在萬聖節中,小孩子們挨家挨戶地要糖果時說的 trick or treat 就是「不給糖,就搗蛋」的意思。

You've played this trick so many times that we’re all getting tired of it.(你玩這把戲太多次了,以至於我們都對它感到疲乏了。)

Practical joke 捉弄、惡作劇

Practical 是「實踐的、實際的」,因此 practical joke 就是「實際的玩笑」,就是惡作劇的意思噢!另外,prank 也是「胡鬧、惡作劇」的意思。

Sometimes practical jokes could have serious consequences.(有時候惡作劇會有很嚴重的後果。)

Monkey around 胡鬧、搗蛋

Stop monkeying around or you'll be grounded!(不要再胡鬧了,不然你就會被禁足!)

String someone along 戲弄;欺騙

The man was accused of stringing along young ladies for their money.(那男子被指控騙取年輕小姐的財物。)

Make fun of 嘲弄、取笑

It's impolite to make fun of other people's appearance.(嘲笑別人的外表是很沒禮貌的。)

