外國人來台灣養蛤蜊! 在台灣最奇怪的經驗! | Bye bye Youtube! I am becoming a clam farmer in Taiwan!

外國人來台灣養蛤蜊! 在台灣最奇怪的經驗! | Bye bye Youtube! I am becoming a clam farmer in Taiwan!


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Hello Everyone, I hope you all are doing well! One of the most surprising things as a foreigner in Taiwan, is to see fishes in aquariums at restaurants where you can pick the one you want to eat! In todays video we take a look at how Clams and Crabs are farmed in a really sustainable way in Taiwan, and a surprising way to integrate renewable energy in the process!

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Youtube: http://bit.ly/1nTklXP
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Contact: imjonastw@gmail.com
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