一般人通常都是衝著菲律賓南邊海島而去,到馬尼拉的原因不是工作,大概就是轉機。因為先前工作的關係,剛好有機會到這個觀光鬼見愁,交通愁更愁的城市,還剛好必須在這個地方度過一個周末。個人的旅遊習慣,打開TripAdvisor看看有沒有什麼有趣的Local Tour可以參加,最熱門距離馬尼拉市中心要兩個小時車程的百勝灘(Pangsanjan)不在我的計畫之內,正愁著可能只能去China Town吃吃喝喝時,一段話映入我眼簾讓我有些嗤之以鼻,反而想去一探究竟…
… My tours do not discriminate against people of any colour, race, sexual orientation, gender, taste in music or politicians. However, I am adamantly against bigots and humourless characters. Kindly move along…
Manila was once a beautiful city until 1945, American bumped it to reconquest from Japs for not losing their face winning a war Filipino was not involved. 100 – 500 thousand corpses buried where you are now standing.
Don’t judge Manila.. Don’t judge it the way it is now. I know what you guys think about Manila. But don’t judge it cause you made it the way like this. All of you… said by Carlos. ... 【繼續閱讀】
雙口呂 Siang kháu Lū 在背包客棧的其他好文
● [台東] 南迴鐵路藍皮柴油時光列車
● [緬甸] 茵萊湖的浪漫撣菜
● [緬甸] 茵萊湖的遺世獨立
雙口呂 Siang kháu Lū 的主頁
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